How do I slow down my wheelies?
Lot day squids
Seriously get a grom, you can take it anywhere
Want a cheap stunt bike? But a ninja 650, love the 636 but I’ll never get rid of this thing 😂
I have reached peak squid
Sometimes I photograph other squids
Brought out the nice camera for you squids, hope you enjoy the weekend preview. YouTube video is also
Prison squid, IYKYK 😏
What’s everyone ride?
High effort squid low effort caption
Death spin got a lil sticky 😅
Daddy’s back, and I got a new camera 😎(big bike go boom, motor being rebuilt)
Any tips for shooting video?
Sony zv1f in dark / low light setting
Well turns out it was rod knock, she gets to sit in the graveyard for a week or 2 🥲
Technically we’re still twins..I just have stickers everywhere😅
Old pics cause I’m in the middle of replacing my clutch basket, kawi no likey rolling burnouts 😅
Just a chill guy
It’s only cold if you can’t wheelie
Oil baffle, block off plates, clean air mod, subcage, done 😎. She’s starting to come togethers
Oh look cops 😅
You guys seem cooler than the pinecones in r/motorcycles so here’s a wheelie 🤌🏾
Ninja 650, Downtown Toronto
People keep trying to race me, I just wanna roll stoppies with my hoodrat friends 😭😭
3 kawi’s walk into a bar…