I invite all of you to tell Bungie that we want an on/off toggle for hunter hoods
Finally did a captura session for my High Guardian Nova
ad blockers are actually advised by FBI actually
Any day now they'll ban the trillions of bots.
I have AdBlock Plus disabled for the entire YouTube domain on this machine. Why am I getting this warning that won't clear? It only started doing this today.
Did youtube change ads again?
Did ublock origin just stop working on YouTube?
are the widgets for simaris scanner worth actually getting ?
[Excalibur] Metal Gear Series - Big Boss (MGSV Ground Zeroes)
could we probably see tail wind nerf now that it’s getting attention
how are people clipping revenants memphisto sydana with his prime skin
My new updated revenant fashion.
[Revenant] my attempt at making him look good :)
whats a good secondary to use for the pylons in profit taker ?
Backroom deco WIP [captura]
well this was a lie
would it be fair for special enemies to count as double for opal camo (this is for directed players not standard players, sorry)
First time playing Cyberpunk… any tips?
can we just get the new perk sooner than later
have servers been iffy for anyone
Rain in the Fire
Bro what is this matchmaking??
Now I remember why I stopped playing this game.
jokes aside who counters spiderman best
What is your top priority in a match: camo farm or play to win?