Ce legi a încălcat KG ?
In urma cu cateva luni: Lasconi nu are experienta, e femeie, nu are ce cauta la presedintie. Acum: Votez masiv Gavrila. Ba, astia, cum reusiti sa treceti strada fara sa dea masina peste voi? ca si acolo ai nevoie de un minim de inteligenta..
Metrou obor
Is this a good budget build?
Ii dau Braila
Patrioții lui Putin lovesc din nou
S-au speriat Muskistii rusofili de Euromanifestul din 15 martie lol
Ce așteptări aveți de la lansarea AMD de mâine?
[GIVEAWAY][157Club] R@f $!mons Siddartha returned over Jacket
Any advice to prevent heel bite?
Wesley’s Moons Journey Progression Map
now hear ME out... (sry for the quality)
Still impressed by how the original Assetto looks on a GTX1060
My (16M) girlfriend (16F) keeps being disrespectful to me.
How did this age?
EVGA GZ batch Rick Owens geobaskets QC
[GIVEAWAY] Acn Stu - Loose fit jeans - 2006M - Mid blue-157Club
david925 CH pendant qc (20$)
[QC] Chrome haul + LV cuban bracelet AllChinaBuy to Romania
QC Chrome Hearts jewelry haul
not sure if i purchased from the real david925 seller?
when will we get ai update
This same symbol was found in 3 different countries.