How different would the series have turned out if they replaced Skyler White with Angela White?
Abe Adbensen , finale
Treating property like women, man!
Seriously (Schenectady, NY)
Are MSFT, JNJ, GOOG and BRK-B bonds safer than US treasuries currently?
What are these used for?
Walmart demanding China take full burden of 25% tariffs to keep their prices low and China saying “NO way.” Sorry, red-state rural people of Walmart. The prices for everything you buy there are about to skyrocket.
How to decline a request for a recommendation letter for a position that I don't think they will get
Dude are you fucking this up?!
To Make America Great Again
What happened to Occupy Wall Street?
Like the Seattle Seven
owes money to known pornographers, big lebowski clip
Trump says the US has given Ukraine $350 billion in aid. Zelenskyy counted only $67 billion. Why are the figures so different and which of the two presidents is not entirely honest in his calculations? The world's leading economists have sorted it out.
The old man told me to take any rug in the house.
A man not wearing a suit is meeting King Charles III.
Putin says you're good for it!
Why do Americans wear shoes in the house??
Men takes cyber truck on a car wash and water leaks in
Sometimes you get the b'ar, sometimes the b'ar gets you
Who here still thinks they can defeat a Bear?
fight scene
Are we subsidizing Canada?
Musk is now in control of all government payments
Has someone thought about Cooper's oxygen supply?
RF cant take out Ukrainian weapons factories 100km from the front after 3 years, even with ballistic missiles. Meanwhile …
[Ball Watch Co.] Ball Vanguard
Ball Roadmaster Vanguard
WTW for something that only exists because of something else that used to exist, but the original thing is obsolete?
Trailer Hitch Photos, invoice