I want to learn how to play metal, do I need to learn differently?
What are some good countries to invest in currently?
What is the rudest interaction you’ve ever had with another Brit?
'No consequences': Qantas under fire for rejecting passenger protection bill
Advice: Don't record yourself and listen to it later. [DISCUSSION]
Why are 3 bedrooms apartments so expensive?
Learning to play - theory first?!
'I Prefer to Make Dollars': Gene Simmons Explains How Kiss Is Different From AC/DC, Metallica, and Iron Maiden
I started investing on Feb 19th before the downturn. Couldn’t have had a worse entry point.
When will things change ?
Optimal strategy for reinvesting in the stock market during a downturn?
Loading up on Tesla at this dip
Is London the only option for corporate guys?
If you had a colonoscopy, what was your experience with fetano and midazapam?
What benign lies did your family tell you as a kid?
Is there an investment that’s better than bonds or cash if you think the U.S. stock market is going to drop and interest rates might climb?
Is it mainly anticipating future public perception? Does fundmental analysis even matter?
Trumpet of Patriots (TOP)
Guitar Teacher Wondering What beginners want the most from a teacher
Which five British celebrities would you least like to be stuck in a broken lift with overnight?
PRS Silver Sky SE or Fender Player II Stratocaster - which one would you pick and why?
What guitar brands aren't American
Which guitarist would you trade your sobriety for their skill + addiction?
Anyone who grew up in a place that's are widely considered to be a "shithole" but you actually had a good childhood/ liked where you grew up?
What's the universal "sorry my mistake" signal when driving?