why is moe really THAT bad ?
So what's the actual best way to push ranked now?
Best Weapons and Builds?
Whats the Purpose of This Game?
Max vs Leon who’s better to have on your League team?
BrawlstarsCompetitive Mod Application
Who wins?
What if Deku (with all 7 of his quirks unlocked) was in One Punch Man?
Probably the funniest draft I've ever seen ( All you have to know is Griff was 1st pick )
Why frontman always look blank out in discussions?
What’s a Brawler you like to play as, but also hate going up against?
Karma is a bitch
This gets annoying
Some Brawlers are very underestimated until they get a Hypercharge
Balance Changes Concepts
Mediocre Guides: Poco
How would Sang-woo react to being pushed around by Thanos and Nam-gyu?
The MHA universe has been drafted into a tournament of Power type of tournament against other MHA like universes. You are tasked with create the team. What 10 characters are you picking?
Whats one skin you want but can never get?
Name another brawler that fell off
"YES, we scale to lowered output holdsback kuna"
Ultimate Frank Idea
How strong/powerful is Uraraka Ochako?
I was looking at Finx's pickrate and winrate
i'd like to apologize... to absolutely nobody