Trump now has a negative approval rating on Nate Silver's new polling average
neutral 2026 (house and senate) assuming neutral non incumbent candidates
here a non doomer take
prediction for the next 6 years
do people really think
alternate future or something IDK i just wanted to make an AU map the USA in 2080
Challenge: Post your 2026 Michigan County Prediction!
mid west county predictions
Party of the 29 percent 💔
2026 Senate Michigan county prediction. (Generic D v Generic R)
You know Joe Lombardo became the first republican ever to win Nevada without carrying Washoe and Clark county statewide. Donald Trump became the first presidential Republican to do the same
What the Michigan County map MIGHT look like in 2028
Early Declarations here!
I wish to run for mod?
current ratings for 2026
after the spending bill situation i just dont think i can justify voting for the democrats anymore... i genuinly never thought i would say this
what do you think of this configuration?
projecter same sex marrige support for 2025 by me
Senate Dems wins* so far:
well Rip medicaid and snap
genuine question
Rank the potential democratic candidates (as per Wikipedia) for US Senator from Michigan by how well they’d perform in the election (assuming Mike Rogers is the Republican nominee)?
which one is more likley
why do people think the dems will win 2026?
Where Do You...?