Baby Witch with Complicated Spiritual View
How do I “break up” with my client?
[TOMT] Japanese “cursed” sepia video creepy pasta - two women crossing the bridge
Never been told i look like anyone, but i’ve always been curious :)
[TOMT] Book I read around 4/5th grade with creepy illustrations
[TOMT] I can’t remember this games name to save my life
Trans teenager Micah LeRoy rocking out after gender affirming surgery
What is the difference between these book versions – Encyclopedia of Witchcraft?
Who are your Spiritual Ancestors?
Resources for tweens interested in witchcraft?
I feel like I’m going crazy: preamp compatibility questions + some questions on cartridges
Cleaning (or Not) on New Years Day & Why You Shouldn’t Worry
Internal vs External Preamp A/B testing
Gnats are reproducing fast, what should i do
Asexual AFAB and really not enjoying the female experience. Am I trans?
Looking to sell my large colony of P. scaber Spanish Orange and wild type as I am moving across the country soon! DM me an offer! 🧡
Isopods can’t climb vertical surfaces
Bundles Currently Available on
I have them for a snag!!!
What sucks about being female?
The Stupidity of The Master Belch Battle In EarthBound
SOS; escaping wage slavery and investing in land with 0 property taxes
Supreme Court Roe v Wade overturned MEGATHREAD
Ah the miracle of childbirth...on a pear. This morning in my Hisser colony.
Can we all agree that this has gotta go?