What’s up with demiurge’s Abelion sheep farm?
Chaldean Royalty: The Trap (Part 2)
Choose a number between 1-145 and you will receive a random power from my notes
Chaldean Royalty: The Trap (PART1)
Oh my god he has a neck now?!
Chaldean Royalty: The Trap (PART 0)
Who's going to summon for this guy?
REPOST: Genocide survivor is unwillingly subjected to experimental body modification to avoid persecution, but the resulting identity crisis causes extreme distress to the point of dissociative amnesia.
The sheepish media will not stop the rise of a minor politician, which is fueled by fake news
Schemes of Chaldea's Mastermind: Post Traumatic Stress DisORTer Finale
Cloning a cat is a bad idea.
Which servant do you think watch ritsuka when he is sleeping?
Which Historical Figure from your home countries would you like to see as a Servant?
How did you guys find out about Kamen Rider?
A guy deals with clowns while another vents about his situation
A boy hates his mother's cooking, so he decides to lord over a clan of furries.
Is the only way to obtain grails is from completing singularity and lostbelt or there are other way?
Baseball Fans, Among Others, Give Impromptu Therapy To An Angry Father. A life is saved.
Day 12: Choose the worst and the best waifu of the foreigner class
When are we getting Lilim Harlot in NA?
A man and a woman die after realising that raising a child is hard.
Should i pull Caster skadi or Summer skadi?
Chaldean Royalty: Asking Alters Out
An giraffe dies (movie released before 2013).
Name a character with a backstory that gives Doofenshmirtz this reaction