How do you know before creating a character if you're gonna get bored playing it ?
Best LVL 9 (only) Cleric or Druid for a campaign run ?
Finally had the Platinium trophy for FF7 Rebirth
So my devotion Paladin activated a trap which killed an important NPC...
Any Mass Effect fans ? Need help to create a Liara in Faerun world
Best advice I can give after beating Rufus Hard Mode (Rebirth Chapter 12)
Stadium / Arena music , from Video game OST
Fable 2, 15 years later...
Looking for any specifics animals in this universe
Unofficial "rules" / attitude for Devotion Paladin ?
Music credits Mr. McMahon Documentary on Netflix ?
Best Advice to optimize my Moon Druid level 7 in fights
Another banger like this game?
Are there some top tier games with bad music ?
Dammit square , those credits & epilogue
4th Member Along side Throne Temenos & Hikari for final chapters?
Party Advice for last Chapters w Throne Temenos & Hikari
Citadel of the unseen sun : World lore for player background
New DM : Best one shot type for improvment ?
Playing imprivovised BattleMaster Fighter, any advices ?
Best lv4 Lore Bard feat for my situation
question regarding Fables - Citadel of the unseen sun - Skip
Spoiler Rebirth: What is the exact party setup for Jenova Lifeclinger ?