I don't understand damages as mid
Who was the new champ when you started playing league?
How true is it when people say "tanks can't 1v9"?
Clutch Diana quadra
How to bully Zed early game?
New Sol makes no sense?
i'm bad at positioning and addicted to movespeed so...
Vs syndra
Help a Newbie Dragon
Best Tank jungler with decent clear for low elo
What do you actually build against Tham Kench?
Let’s talk jungle
Midlane mindset in even matchups
Movement speed problem (Darius, Garen).
Do you have a list of weird mechanics/concepts that Riot hasn't experimented with yet, but you think Riot could potentially add a champion like that in the future?
How many of you actually use 3rd party tools to help in-game?
i might be missing something
How to be less vulnerable to ganks (top)?
what is the best game-tempo to climb in low elo? (early game champs-mid game champs-late game champs) (top lane)
What to do when you want to play Kayle, but your Jungler picks Kindred, Support Picks Senna, and Top picks Teemo?
Kayle is a boring and toxic champion
Quinn OTP Looking to Learn Kayle – Need Advice!
Pink ward as top laner
What league content do you consume?