AITA for telling my boss on a coworker?
AITAH for not letting my "best friend" come on a night out
An issue I encounter often
Love cats
Send me some Spongebob reaction pics
Lol so true
Rewriting code from the scratch
It depends on your skils
AITA for telling my friends to not talk to the new kid?
AITA for stealing what I’m owed?
AlTA for not watching my girlfriend's video while watching a series with my friend?
Am I the asshole for not wanting to help get my bfs BIL a gift.
AITAH for not speaking to my uncle and grandma?
AITA for wanting to play DND with my family?
AITA for refusing to sleep with my wife
AITA for trying to respect my own space
AITA for refusing to talk with my mom's male friend?
Am I being ridiculous??
Aitah if I ask my roommate to clean up after herself?
Very little patience...AITAH?
AITA for hating my dad
WIBTA if I don’t get my nephew a gift for his birthday?
AITAH for asking the neighbor to move their car?
AITAH for refusing to switch seats on a plane, even though a mom wanted to sit with her kid?
WIBTA for asking about a restraining order?