Our new hourly rate…
Staff vaping inside the building
Don't use your clubcard for this!
Who would you rather be hunted by?
If I show up early for my shift, is it worth signing in and starting straight away?
Could Kayaba have done anything to extend the lifetime of his world?
Sadly this statement and declaration from Dick would end up not aging well from what I remember.
Big breakfast underwhelming.
“We had a problem confirming your order”
What would happen to the atoms of a molecule in a closed system with no energy?
A customer decided to walk into our warehouse to find non-existent stock
Big event for me. My artwork got third place in NASA’s Moon to Mars Architecture Art Challenge, Sustained Lunar Evolution Segment. This is a big event for me. Flight above the Moon. Oil painting on canvas
Is Tesco liable if a customer damages my property (hypothetical)?
My store can't cope! Yet more is pushed on us
I know is not the customers fault but why do they order their weekly shopping on whoosh ? Isn't it cheaper for them to order from tesco online
Should I quit my job if the commute is a huge pain?
Worked all month like a slave just to get £1789
Scary Phone Calls
AITA for demanding to know how much my parents earn?
[all] The beginning of summer at camp halfblood must be a depressing time of year
I’m getting told off for a slow pick rate but not given enough opportunities to practice
Scan as you shop; Product location?
How Retail Could Be 10x Better
Cons of Retail Industry (compared to other industries)