Tim Hortons Prize
St Patrick’s Day
Anywhere to pickup free 5 gallon buckets?
Smiling German soldiers taking a pig from local Soviet civilians, for the food needs of the German army during Operation Barbarossa, Ukraine SSR, 1941
26F 155lbs Want to bench 135lbs soooo bad, including 2 example workouts
Chinese BBQ
Which character (real or fictional) associated with your home country would make a good skin in Fortnite?
Cardiology Suggestions
Rate my shaft
Eastwood Arena closure leaves user groups in limbo
Any Famous People From Hamilton that’s surprising or shocking?
What’s your dream collab?
Silly goose tried to intimidate nightclub bouncers and was later found in possession of a gun and a knife.
Cozy Bird (The Pigeon) at Odds Bar
Joining HPS
Adult Recreational Hockey League
Hitler with his two nieces, Geli (possible lover) and Elfriede Raubal.
Lion sneaks up on game drive
Thrift Stores
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
Does it get to a point ?
PSA: crossing the street during a marathon is idiotic and dangerous
Looking for a vocal coach/lessons
Sometimes folks need a little reminder
Behind the Mainstreet Paywall (Hamilton Centre).