Did I get chat banned or rocket league bugging?
Why does Batman look so traumatized
Found this weird looking Batman in the thrift shop
Found this weird looking Batman in the thrift store
Found this weird looking Batman at a thrift store
Why does Batman look so traumatized?
Why is batman so traumatized and why is he in the avengers?
Should I take this trade?
Lmao smart play in the new LTM (mb for no audio)
Lmao kind of a smart play in the new mode (mb for no audio)
Back when home interior was like this <3
Back when bases were like this <3.
People that got the police called on them for the most random reason what happened?
Just wow
What is some weird stuff you watch on YouTube, that you somehow enjoy and don't understand why?
Not saying which category, which are you top five?
What single event or decision do you think most affected the rest of your life? Was there a turning point in your life?
Amazing match making
What is THE most annoying Minecraft mob?
Every game man Credit: TrivalGS on youtube
If YOU got the choice of retrieving any old Minecraft world you had what would it be?
What’s the story behind your skin?
Echo transmission: A door to a wireless house