After fur Elise
Any recommendations?
Sheet music of "The Nutcracker" made of chocolate
No wayyy
I need help!
these are the pieces I have to play for my high school chamber audition- im so cooked 😭🙏
I’m late to the trend, but always wanted to do this so guess my instrument!
guess which 3 instruments i play (yes i play cello)
Guys, how do you rizz up a double bass player?
I wonder if anyone can guess my instrument
This from Butter Side Down on Youtube, I thought it was funny.
Favorite violin concerto?
Guess my instrument. Difficulty: ultra easy lol
Do you think they’ll film their tour like last time?
Every one name there favorite classical piece so I can make the most ultimate playlist!!!!
I’ve been practicing for an competition heavily, and now my skills seem to be deteriorating and I’m worried (Flute)
Are we doing the hands again? Guess my instrument.
Rachmaninov... WHY!?
Guys, who’s y’all’s bias?
Day 13 of Top Comment Deletes a State
Did something change?
how much will tickets for the world tour cost?