Why does every guy block me after they get what they wanted 😞💔
Any 1N8X1 (Targeting Analysts) Out There?
What’s your 55gr .223 H335 Load
ID on optic setup?
People that support Rhodesia are racist. How true is that?
Were black people really oppressed in Rhodesia?
how can i stop the barbarossa as the ussr?
Break industrial lease with military orders. (MD)
Really millennium dawn ? I'm so done !!!
Last day of the season, first kill with the SGL!
(WTS) CNVD PVS-24 WP gen 3
SGL-21 Price Check
Any help needed
Q Science posts a video comparing their 556 suppressors against competition. Tries to shit on Otter Creek. Does not go well
What is wrong with my commander?
Your vote matters ( Obama voice)
6 arc reloads
Scammer, beware. Pics
Public gun range
Arkayne seems scammy. Will avoid in future.
PSA EXPS3-0 Update
Paranoid prepping?
[WTS] HuxWrx Hub QD Adapter and B&T MP5k folding stock
Purported IDF Service rifle
(Serious Question) What’s stopping the Air Force from just allowing male Airmen to have facial hair?