Shinobi or hunter?
When and why did Ichikawa stop being obsessed with death and morbid stuff?
[Favorite trope ever] tall girl x short guy
Do you think The Punisher would fit in Sakamoto Days?
Movie Plots that are basically one big therapy session.
characters in a friend group that are all different ages.
What are your thoughts on Natsuko?
What’s an anime you didn’t expect to like but ended up loving?
The ONE unambiguously good person in a setting with black-and-gray morality
I forget sometimes that shin is a grown ass man
(Loved Trope) Charchters that have Nicknames that Strike Fear in their enemies
Characters whose last names are just what animals they are
Describe your favorite character in The 100 Girlfriends with emojis
I don't know why but I love this
She kinda looks like a one piece female here
How far do you guys think S1 will get in the manga?
All current character sheets! (Rudo, Enjin, Zanka, Riyo) Whos your favorite?
What is Your Idea for Sakamoto Days Crossover Fanfiction?
Wpuld you have still watched the dangers in my heart if ichikawa fell for Hara instead of yamada?
When the Main Character is entertaining by themselves
Chubby/plus sized female characters actually being treated as cute or attractive
Characters who were supposed to be one-offs, but ended up being so well received by fans, that they later became integral to the story.
If you were the author of Sakamoto Days, what major change would you make in the story till now?
"Grounded" characters who don't have superpowers or supernatural abilities, but they're so skilled that they defy the laws of physics.
Characters that are perverts but still likable.