My Final Post
I commented this on another post but I decided to just make it a post myself. This is my Qin fanboy manifesto
Took Me About 5 Hours To Make But I Finally Finished My Ultimate Agenda Post
Top 3 most anticipated fight for S3?
Should I watch this?
What anime couple fits this image?
I personally think that Kenjaku is stronger then Yuta! Is it a bad take?
I Know There Are Several Of You Who Wish to Continue the Series But Are Unable to find the Source Material. Well if You just want a good Summary of Events, check out this Youtube Video
Such a god tier opening
Chat is this real?
How much of history has changed or not in the failed knight timeline?
Anyone have a translation of the final volume
Record of Ragnarok Season 3 Announcement Trailer
The strongest woman in the series from the Mangaka of Rakudai
Watchmen Chivalry of a Failed Knight Edition [Meme with Manga Spoilers]
How many times do Ikki and Stella Make out in the series?
Give me recommendations based off my ranking of every anime I’ve ever watched
Where does the Manga end at? Chivalry of a failed Knight
Show me ur top 10 and see if ur allowed in
Analyzing Musafir's recent Yuta slander post.
I just woke up and oh my gosh the yuta slander week is hitting hard today
I’ve never really power scaled Bleach so this is my first ever tier list. How did I do?
POV: You wake up with Limitless + Six Eyes. What's the first thing you test out with it?
My official retirement
Who do yuta fans beef with the most on this sub?