Please help me finish these sets
Trade for missing stickers
Please please please
Please please please.
Desperately trying to finish some packs for partner event. 🙂
Hi there fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today what's your fav day of the week and why as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!!
Looking to finish up my two stars. Thank you!
Partner question
Would like to close some of these low level packs. Let me know if you can trade. Thanks!
Hi there its DIRTY THIRTY time and today let's keep it simple guess a number any number as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!
Low level trades?
Happy Monday everyone!! Liking to do a couple trades today. Thank you 😊
Hi friends…anyone want to make some early trades?
Thanks to everyone who has helped me this album. Anyone need this to finish a set? Screenshot for me please.
Hi friends. Just putting this out there for help. Gold locked and not much hope of getting them. Thought I would see if anyone is giving away. Thanks for looking!
LF sandy shells. Have Family Fame to trade. Last card to get me to gold locked! Thank you all!
Anyone feeling gifty? Or would you like stars? I have couple 4⭐️. Thank you for your consideration!!!!
LF Tasty tokens?
LF caricature or tasty tokens?
Hello my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today if your life was a movie what would the title be and what would it be rated as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!!!!
Looking to trade for any 5 star I am missing. Thanks!
4 star trades! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️