Cheap remote control needs a new 3V coin battery every other month. Is this normal? Can I solder in another part in circuit that prevents this waste?
Kobo Clara Color or not?
Agility Part of Range Defence Calc
I feel silly
I bought a MSI laptop (Newbie)
Are colour Kobos worth it?
Menu Swapper broken in mobile?
Leo as house servant
*Slow Clap* Nicely played Jagex 😂
Radiators not working, help?
Todays the day (first 99)
Activity Swaps
Agilty Suggestions
What USB-C cable to get for monitor?
So glad I started playing
Spooned a shadow, what should I buy?
Bossing here I come
What now ladies and gents?
Explorer's Ring 4 Fix
Imbued RoW
Matlab beginner help
Quest cape babyyy
I'm on Android 11, I thought this rolls out on Android 14 +. Downloaded app from aurora store.
Me doing my tree runs at 95 Farming