Did he just stop to sign my jersey?!?
Abused & Kicked for No Reason – Faceit Needs to Address This
Nogle der husker dette billede fra en voldsom drabssag for en del år siden?
I keep getting kicked by VAC.
Maybe time for players like this to get perma banned of Faceit.
got banned for playing bad
It's great that this platform is getting better day by day. Many thanks <3
wtf is this lag? ping spiking to 400 4/5 teammates
Thinking about upgrading my 10 yeal old pc.
Got hooked but the bridge saved me
IShowSpeed doing illegal car race 150mph+
Still haven't received my Twitch Drops
92% winrate, 160h on Steam. Nothing suspicious here
4k deagle HS on vertigo Faceit lvl 6-7
I really hope that VacLive gets turned on soon and that it actually works. The cheating issues in 20k+ rank is insane
All my homies use the R8 😎
Official GTA VI Trailer Video
Can someone explain to me how I got killed?
Cloudflare blocking my IP address for desktop only
VCT "Locked In" Title not in the game?
Any amount of money fr
F18 good morning:)I’m up for chats
Once I’m done with all 49 guns and knife to get Platinum, can I do the launchers in Shipment?
Unpopular opinion: There shouldn't be loadouts in a Battle Royale game