What do my top 30 skins say about me?
What can I do to spruce up my avatar?
What do y’all know about chapter 2 season 2
Anyone else feel the vaults aren't worth it?
Which of all of these is the cutest
What did y'all choose
Umm...This isn't normal...
Second day on my new acc bc i lost my previous one due to phone change
Holy Jesus this is the worst iridescent ever!
I will draw some of your ocs.
We are getting WWIII before GTA6
I got a 10 star golden toilet but it didn't trigger the quest being complete. SMH
All achievements done!
We are ganna have a YouTube soon so if u don't wanna look at it on reddit u can on YouTube
If you played this season comment something an og would know
i created a new OC. what should I name him?
Guess my favorite game based off my avatar.
My shinies collection
Drawing your OCs part 10
Stickman meme
Brownie with ice cream 😋
Chappy the New Haven seal is on the mend!
Chappy is feeling better today! Go Chappy Go!
Alright, what’s your favorite thing about this franchise?
There will be part 1 and 2 and 3 and more on the comics cause can't fit all pictures in one so can only hold 20 a post so go to part 1 and go ahead to 2 and 3 etcetera etcetera
If you played this season comment something that a OG would know