Glock-18 | Video Cassette
Is anyone else going to throw this around in photos, acting like it’s some gang sign 🤣?
is anyone else kinda disappointed with the ending?
Before I go through the trouble of troubleshooting, is Mangadex not loading for anyone else.
[spoilers ep6] An Ekko edit I made, (just started making edits today)
Can anyone find the author of this edit?
Здравейте! Аз съм авера с мангата и искам да ви покажа една цветна илюстрация, свързана с нея, в която показвам няколко нови героя. Много ще се радвам да чуя вашето мнение и въпроси, ако има такива.
Beastars should be taught at school.
Rough sketch, should I finish it?
Грозно ли пиша? Казва ли са ми че е почни нечетливо.
I can’t wait to see her in the anime
I finally understood my obsession with beastars
If Legoshi were to appear next to you. What would be your first action?
Am I the only one who hates how stupid these two act?
Do you think Legoshi would have dated Juno if he had never met Haru ?
What the hek is this about?
Why does Legosi regret interrupting the fight in the cafeteria?
Is Beastars manga still being printed?
This is how Melon would look like in the anime.
Whats the appeal of feral NSFW
Is this auction legit?
Is the price legit?
I hacked a local B. Kings order machine
Twitch gifted me a sub??
Why are the rims different from the thumbnail and the clip??