I love these sleeves
Someone took a sh*t on the stairs in my appartment building
My Betta needs a name – the trashier, the better!
I hate banana
Londo contemplates the feline and canine handiwork in front of him.
Is anyone else’s cat obsessed with plastic?
DAE eat an egg every morning?
Canada 🍃
Found on a bar patio
Bitchette has a baby
Please help me help Edgar!
This is Peet. He’s kinda a dick. I love him though.
He must be comfy!
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Please try to enjoy each pic equally
Tattooed when I was 16 by a 14 year old, almost 12 years old now.
everytime i give her wet food my room turns into a sh!tfest.
My friend’s husband collects minerals.
What is that lump thingy? And how do i get rid of this biofilm, ive got a filter
I picked up a small bone off the sidewalk without gloves and got pricked
I will never understand those people