This image says everything to me about the world a lefty bassist lives in
3.5 yo tree growing lopsided - should I trim?
Is a headlight repair for a 2018 Impreza Limited really $1460?
Primus before primes
Yo Gabba Gabba figures for less than a gazillion dollars
Re-learning slap; Trying to adjust from downward thumb to sideways thumb. Any tips?
Apple IIGS - My first computer. What was yours you old fart?
Marketplace find, all hail the $100 Peavey 🗿
What is a really good movie that you can't watch because it's not available on any steaminng platforms?
Bill Hader talks David Lynch
So What are We Thinking about This?
Can't wait to start complaining about it when it's released
After three weeks and shipping problems from the UK, my Kramer Striker 5 is finally here! + a showcase of my other two lefties
What do you think would be a good Primus tattoo?
Of All The Two Star Trainers To Get Two Of…
What is this bass?
What has been the best MCU recast so far?
Repaired and rebuilt Ibanez bass
"Martin Scorsese - confirmed Nosferatu enjoyer. via @tcm and @92ndstreety" - @focusfeatures on Instagram
This Lt. Serge variant of Electivire-Magnezone is slaying everything.
I swear the chances for duplicates 2 gold stars are better than getting a one that you don't have
6,647 cards without a crown pull. How many crowns pulled to total cards pulled for you?
Was looking up an actor and had forgotten this gem existed
Which movie would you defend like this?
I swear to God, if I see this deck ONE MORE TIME