Danielle is the Worst 🤍
Happy Hour in the Loop until 7?
madison art - all the pictures in one place
Just realized this about David
Molly x Reba + A comment on Dave
Checking in
Best Yoga Mat?
These Men.....
paige and craig
Lol at how I paused
Episode 7/8 - Georgia S
Is it safe?
I came here to rant.
Jess sucks
Moving to Chicago: Best Neighborhoods for girls in their 20s
This sub hates TVD.
Are they back together?
Season 10 in General
Season 9
ok i need to rant. first i was livid with Toby ! and now i’m livid with Hugo because he has had way too many chances to not have a connection with any of them girls…
Unnecessarily pretentious cities in Metro Detroit
UK Season 8
Season 7- Toby