First reverse sear
The design of the Iron Giant in the french edition of Ted Hugues's book
I was a Microsoft employee for 20 years and never had a Mac until 2 days ago!
The first object on your right would be this cat's name
What foreign language film do you enjoy rewatching?
This was controversial in r/meat, but I know yall appreciate a nice rare piece of meat here, so I hope you'll allow it. My first ever elk rack.
Who's the better actor ?
Uh… what.
Linda hamilton’s sister 1990s
My best try so far
If you were to describe your thoughts about my work, what would you say?
Terminator resistance what setting.
Most Ridiculous AI Edit of T2 Yet! Brace Yourself...
Is T-1000 a cyborg? Technically isn't he just a liquid metal - machine?
What's your favorite Sarah Connor line
Top 25 Greatest Horror Movies: From 1-25 - What's the No. 22 Greatest Horror Film of All Time?
Do you remember your first watch of The Terminator (1984) ?
Life of Pi
What's a film you feel was ahead of its time, and why do you think it didn't get the recognition it deserved when it first released?
looking for a non human name
Math Blaster
USS Enterprise 1701-B Appreciation post
Today’s Stick Figure Movie Trivia
Terminator 2D: NO FATE Steam page is up