Thoughts on this?
"otherwise france would be an american state right now"
Dying to cheaters on official is so fun
Britain ‘no longer a rich country’ after living standards plunge - Parts of the UK are now worse off than the poorest regions of Slovenia and Lithuania
Am I wrong for being frustrated at this decision?
WF-1000XM4 - Severe Battery Issues
On the topic of express solicitors..
First ever player interaction.. well..
This is what $550 and $600 MSRP looks like in Europe. Croatia to be exact.
Why pay so much for gaming chairs when they’re so uncomfortable?
Breaking free from American big tech is hard, so I created a simple cheat sheet.
How can I figure out what temperature in Kelvin this is?
Copyright laws when using images in an interview presentation in England?
Today I combat Logged for the first time and I feel disgusting.
Was this rare or raw
JD Vance forced to “flee” amid Anti Trump-Pro Ukraine protests.
How can regular Americans donate money to Ukraine directly?
After clashing with Trump and Vance, Zelensky is now thanking every pro-Ukraine world leader, one tweet at a time
Ukrainian ambassador to US when hearing Trump and Zelensky argue
Raw, blue, or rare?
UK Rejoin EU petition will be debated on the 24th March!!!
The aug ax is better than the lar and no one talks about it, and it literally has double the mag capacity
Why do so many people prefer official instead of community servers? Genuinely curious.
First time pan frying a steak. Any tips? Used stainless steel pan. Cooked 2 minutes - flip - 2 min - flip - 2 minutes - rest for 5, aiming for medium rare