Discounted square hit rates?
Adjusting to live
Easy upper divisions classes?
1000hrs of Live Poker
SPAXX interest?
How much do I need to study to beat $5/10 or $10/20 live?
How hard is it to pick stocks that beat the market?
Order not going through
Banger Songs to Boost Energy When Studying Late
Poker Club?
I really want to expand my music taste so I figured I would post some of the albums and singles I enjoy and ask for some recommendations
Give me an album before the 2010s that you consider 10/10, and I’ll listen to it.
Roommate spreadsheet or any other way to find potential roommates?
Uber eats?
Who’s down to play basketball right now at the Hitch Basketball Courts?
switching lectures?
is anyone hosting a poker game either this week or week 0? (last time reposting this I promise)
is anyone hosting a poker game either next week or week 0?