Soup boy
My favorite plugs
I just need a moment
1.2k oysters later.... FINALLY!! IT IS POSSIBLE!
My guy.
Romance in the game.
I thought people would appreciate how I farm flowers
While cooking rice I thought why not throw a chicken breast in, boom, amazing
Bad aftercare or bad tattooing?
I just peeled a banana, then threw it into trash but kept the peel in my hand.
This little guy is no longer with us, but does anyone know what this is?
Should I be worried?
This is just cruel
Im so sad 😥
broke up with my boyfriend so i asked my bestie to go out for lunch 😞
The Future is a Foreign apology?
Having McDonald's alone for my birthday.
Show me your cat’s potential meme photo now.
Her Prom Is Better Than Your Prom /s
is this normal
I didn't know playing with my cats is a form of abuse.
$263 order, no tip
Is this true about opossums? This post and the comments made me sick.
For the love of god say it isn’t so
I see these advertised all the time - is it safe ?