My Automated rockets - 6 rockets per 90 seconds - 3,750 scrap for all 3x T3's - took 7hrs from start of wipe to setup
What tips/methods should one use to build a base that costs a lot to raid?
Rate my setup
is it genuinely true that higher playtime hours = better player?
Früher war alles besser
When was the last time you used it?
Look what I found when I was trying to find a Somersloop!
Pleaaase tell me i'm not the only one 😭
That was really dumb, Bobby.
An interesting idea, a road trip that hits (most of) the major Australian cities is a little over the magical 6584km
Anno 117: Choose your population tier culture
A fun and balanced game.
Petition to have Martin get a real Satsuma (Datsun 100A)
How does one auto cannon
Selbst normale Cops hassen die bayerische Schlägertruppe
And I bring my fire loadout too
AIOs with screens are so unnecessary
I wanted to learn Blender so I put Space Engineers in it
Finally my 1080ti can rest
Sorry if this as been posted befor. But, where tf do I legally buy this game...
Das muss dich schneller gehen
So is cheating really this shameless?