Oscar Isaac dancing in Ex Machina
What is your gut instinct telling you ?
What's the most you've ever laughed at a TV episode?
It’s happening! pride and Prejudice (2005) to return to theaters.
The full bridge video has been released
My Cat Broke His Jaw, Now He Looks Like Bane
This girl is a dumbass
What’s a movie that will have you laughing from beginning to finish?
'The Last of Us' Season 2 Star Kaitlyn Dever Addresses Playing Abby and Dealing with Backlash: "It's hard not to see those things on the Internet...I want to do this character justice and make the fans proud by bringing her to life in this kind of way."
Life at the moment
Like she didn't threaten to peel off a stranger's skin a few months before this
What movie do you watch when you need a good cry & a shift in perspective? Like has the power to break your heart & heal it at the same time.
If you could erase your memory of watching a TV series and relive it again, which show would you choose?
I just told you Lilith is coming over, what's your reaction?
Nine cops protecting a Cybertruck.
What’s a compliment you have gotten that you can NEVER forget?
Never forget
What is a dead giveaway that someone finds you attractive?
TIL Paul Bettany, Jennifer Connelly's husband, had a childhood crush on Connelly. He was motivated by 9/11 to propose to her despite them not being in a relationship yet, after spending 2 days trying to reach her.
First Time Watching, Which One Is Better???
My cast for Lucius and other villains
Trying to film a dance
Fleabag & Claire: A messy, beautiful sisterhood