Über 800.000 Menschen demonstrierten heute gegen die korrupte Regierung in Beograd, Serbien.
ChatGPT’s estimated percentage of Avoidants who heal their attachment
over 800,000 people demonstrated today against the corrupt government in beograd, serbia.
,KoMmUnIsmUs hAt OsTeuRoPa zerStöRt'
über 800.000 menschen demonstrierten heute gegen die korrupte regierung in beograd, serbien.
Срећан дан ослобођења
Decided to move on
The Profile
Let your avoidant go
Anyone know how to stretch this out/ I dont even know what it's called but that either muscle or tendon is always tight and feels like I need to pop it but can't ever release it.
when you fundamentally misunderstand two (2) geopolitical events
I’m a recovering avoidant AMA
Welches Land wird gerade von China überfallen?
Das ist, was ich nie verstanden habe. Warum unsere Linke immer so nen dämlichen Pazifismus frönt, der einfach nicht realisierbar ist.
Raue Hände
How do i operate this german washing machine
Paid €48 to visit a "art" museum
Anybody read "When the Body Say's No" by Gabor Mate?
Red rash after shower
ITAP of a double rainbow
Facelift diary- Years 1 & 2 of living hell
German pharmacy weed | Modified Gas & Chemdog
So fucking tired of the TERFS here claiming to be anarchists
I was on a walk [7] when I saw this and I legit jumped. It didn’t even move I just looked its way and got jumpscared
Did anyone else gaslight themselves into thinking their pain was normal?