Lost my interest in this...
If you're grinding camos, playing a match against these type of players isn't worth it, leave n go to another match
F you come devs!😭
This new freebie Beatrice looks sick asf
Expatiations hurt
Bro these bots… wait for kill cam
How it feels to lose to bots now.
Winter War 2 BP
Did anyone ever get CP from this draw?
I missed the days when ranked matches was actually a challenge
Season 11 Patchnotes.
Do they do it on purpose??
PSA: if your score resembles these bottom frag players, please STAY THE FUCK OUT OF RANKED!
we now have 3 types of legendry logos, what does the logos in the top mean?
What should I name my BP50
S7 battle pass!
What does this icon mean?
why do people love this skin
Just got the rarest skin in the game lol
Ranked mode lobby Intro is annoying ,# Fix IT 🙉
How’s rank reset treating u guys?
Why BP is limited to 200 tiers ?
Got on 1st pull for free.
Just did a storage check. How much storage is cod m taking up on your device?
This worst news This New Season already removing it why ?