Corrected a guy in my college class who said "on accident", he asked his friends who all insisted that "on accident" was correct
Kids going to school in the rain without any waterproof clothing on.
ATYD Sirius’ perspective
Books with reluctant mother trope?
Does you office job employer allow you to make tea/coffee during work hours?
Growing Up with Imagine Dragons – Who Else?
What’s your favorite new demo song?
Should we try to stop American spelling and dates creeping in
Anyone else like things that you know are bad?
Can I realistically get into Cambridge?
Are you still on schedule with your 2025 book challenge?
What's your Username origin story?
Extenuating circumstances for GCSEs
How many people with your first name did you go to school with?
Underrated songs?? I have to say Machine, i’ve never heard anyone talk about it. Tell me if im wrong.
Help please - I’m so torn
Is it too weird to bring a folder to an autism assessment?
Can anyone else not physically sit still when listening to music?
Why is Terese so young
Would/Did you change your surname after marriage? Why?/Why not?
is it worth staying in sixth form for an extra year?
AITA for telling my classmates that I don't want a "American name"
What made it click for you?
What book do you see recommended often that you did not like?