Is 1 gallon/day too much?
I’m having an ethical conundrum about being a social worker and engaging in a non social work related hobby in a public space.
System for remembering yahrzeits?
Weird question of Jewish value priorities
essential components of a child's independent Jewish education?
Recs for CBT and DBT workbooks for teens?
Who are these entities?
Childrens' book about a young boy and his dog, a golden retriever (or labrador)
Red (Rashi?) Teffilin case?
Poster design
At an impasse with my non-Jewish partner
I never filed my 2022 return, and can't afford to now. What next?
sigil found outside school—should I be worried?
Contacting Something while Meditating
Help IDing this black and red crescent and cross graffiti?
Fainted at Work
I know this place is inactive, but I wanted to post my doodle caricatures here. Meant to represent Rael, but also Raelism as a whole
2013 Prius with 140K miles for $7.5K OBO?
Attraction rocd
19K for a 2014 Prius V with 70K miles?
crisis - is partner doubting us the end?
need advice
Two therapists have told me they don't think it's ROCD
PSA to those with partner based rocd themes