Describe your sex life with fromsoft items
What is your furnishing white whale, a piece you wish was obtainable but isn’t?
Be careful He sees you 😉 Who does that? All redditors of this sub? (Humor Jesus TV) But Real Jesus sees you
Firekeeper cosplay
Invisible group
Vateshran Arena
What books have you actually read in-game? Be honest
Who gave you more trouble between these two?
Artwork in the Japanese navigation guide for Oblivion
Even an AI bot ships them
What was the reason the Jedi were bound to eventually fail as an institution?
Merry Christmas indeed!
Took me a long time to find a Daedric helmet, and now that I found it, I decided to don't use it lol
Puddlegum is "Hmm.....society". Now, who's just straight up evil?
A meme for every line in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe: Day 355
u/StarfleetWitch knows I can't refuse a good Merlin meme
Oblivion Lofi Beats is next - What are your favourite Oblivion OST tracks??
Such a nice little filler episode.
NG+ questions
Ember adds so much fun to the game
Which Middle-earth character would you cast Jim Carrey as?
Best game you have played under 20 hours long?
Take care of yourself! (by @chiarascuro4eva)
I want to see mountains again Haskill - MOUNTAINS! And then find somewhere quiet where i can finish my books…
The Horse and His Boy or The Magician’s Nephew?