U guys fw?
Joined a random player's game, and then I left 2 minutes later with no hard feelings.
My skin doesn’t look right
I recreated the no love deep web cover for my playlist
In case you’re wondering why I take forever to cook you chicken
Going to vet anyways, but my cat got a tooth removed and wondering what's going on if anyone knows. Tooth removal was 1.5 weeks ago. (Tooth hole warning)
Damn, I wish.
What keeps you playing?
In a duo game, which classes pair well with one another?
How old do you think the average player is?
I love this game and the community
Unexpected people you've introduced to DG/talked about them with?
Which Canadian rock/indie/punk/metal bands are worth checking-out/following on Instagram?
The following OC was revealed to me in a dream.
Recommendations for Canadian music
parents confiscated my blades and my dph. dosing a gram tonight 🩷
How does this trigger people???
Sculpted my own pet lootbug
We found a recipe written by my grandma for a mystery jam. We still can't make out the key word
If someone screws with my sign one more time I'm going to lose it.
I got the poster from my work 💙
Whats the relationship between these three?
I had no idea kids were so invested in DG.
wtf is this game dude
Is this a coyote on my porch? Does it need help?