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what’s a artist a lot of people like but you just don’t?
All time favorite lana song?
which dress for lana concert saturday
What album can’t you get enough of?
My Lana Pics from ATX
Concert Outfit
Who’s your second top artist?
What are the most underrated Lana Del Rey songs? I have to go with Get Free and Cruel World
You get to choose one food item that magically will never make you gain weight nor matter how much you eat. What food would that be?
What was the song that completely changed the way you looked at your life and why?
Whats your go to comfort food?
What is that other people love that you hate?
Found some random pics of me in the last few months. What do we think (16)
19f what’s your honest opinion????
M20 am I ugly
I need advice from y’all
What would you prefer and why: Reincarnation or and “afterlife” of some sort?
Why women need people to compliment them? Why can't they acknowledge their beauty themselves ?
18f am I ugly?
What video game character was just a badass?
Kyo Drawing!!!
"But even so, we're all gonna need to stop and rest" 😴 (Artist: @lagartharag)
Evangelion Ending Art ( I sketched, outlined, then water colored )