MAGA Businesses and Resteraunts to avoid
What is the best album of 1984?
What is the worst section of road or intersection in SF?
Am I Overreacting?
Sioux Falls-Opoly who already owns it?
Shakespeare's worst line?
What Common Fallacies Are Holding Cities Back?
Wouldn't a roundabout be better here - Amsterdam intersection
This is both shocking and unsurprising
Name for a band with all females that have poor hygiene
Could someone explain the difference between Urban design, Urban planning, and Landscape Architecture?
Band name for white men that sound gay but aren't
Is this idea too radical?
What country would be the last standing with intact borders when sea levels rose to a certain point?
AIO because my (20f) BF (21M) prayed to Trump at my family’s dinner
What city in your opinion has the best transit system?
What kinda music does this guy listen to?
What is the best way to add a drive-thru to this restaurant?
Why is the Danish capital on an island instead of the mainland?
“London sits at the centre of the world today because it placed itself there when it drew the prime meridian, where east meets west”… Where do you think of as the centre of the Earth?
Which Republican will win this in modern times? Which Republican would you personally vote for?
Book my girlfriend got me this Christmas
Any bars open on Christmas?
Kevin O’Connell said his headset died before Sam Darnold’s scramble in the fourth quarter. The last thing Darnold heard before the headset died was the formation.“I don’t particularly know what he called,” O’Connell said.“I just know that once I saw him have space and run like he did, I was relieved
Global cancer rates in people under 50