A Message For Calm And Sanity
Parking cash for 3 months
Moving from Vanguard to Fidelity -- Good time to sell and tax loss harvest?
I love you all
What was your “life is short, it’s time to F’ing live” moment?
What are we as a society supposed to do with repeat violent offenders that refuse to change for the better?
Am I crazy?
Is it true the ocean towns are more desirable to visit than lakes for east coasters?
SPY: To all the Boomers who voted for Trump. How's your retirement going?
Buffet to Wife: 90% S&P500, 10% Bonds
Thoughts on FNILX & 2% Cashback CC?
Terrible real estate market
Fidelity 2% Cashback Visa
Do you believe in an afterlife? Why or why not?
Who’s right
Thoughts on my diversified portfolio with inherited $
Thoughts on my portfolio?
Does the government keep my social security if I die with no spouse/ children?
Privatizing Social Security
Weekly Discussion Thread (Volatility, Market Discussion, Rate My Portfolio, What Should I Buy/Change, Investment Strategies, etc.)
Core Holding -- FNILX, FXAIX, VOO in taxable account
Rate my portfolio
4 American citizens deported to Mexico.
Know nothing about stocks and trading is there a set and forget option for a Roth IRA?
I hate owning a house. Just bought a house and want to sell it. Does anyone else prefer to rent?