[KCD2] this unlucky guy is my favourite random encounter so far
Finally, I can get a taste of Capon all over my mouth [OTHER]
[KCD2] Constantly gorgeous
A horse is not a car [kcd1] [kcd2]
[KCD2] SPOILERS! A discussion/query about Necessary Evil.
Doing a Witcher inspired run for my second play through and the fit goes hard.
I think our hungry boi's gunna stick the landing HARD! [KCD2]
[KCD2] I found this place at the south-east end of Trotkowitz region, what is that ?
Who is your least favorite quest NPC? [KCD2]
[KCD2] I drew a walk with my doggo in the style of medieval miniatures from the game
[KCD2] pilgrim badges!!! really love these details, they really sell the immersion.
[KCD2] I wish we could buy a small house with a herb garden.
[KCD2] A Small Measure of Peace
[KCD2] When did you Go to the Wedding?
Barber update got Henry looking 🥵 [KCD2]
New method of fast travel [kcd2]
[OTHER] I have made the most beloved icon into a 3D Print
[KCD2] Anyone found this hood?
Does Otto von Bergow's red coat have a specific name and where can I buy similar clothing [KCD2]
Am I supposed to be primarily using hit and run tactics in group fights? [KCD1]
[KCD2] Best possible start for a total beginner
[KCD2] My dodge work is unparalleled
[KCD2] Bathed, barbered, and drinking on the bathhouse roof at sunset