"Canada only works as a state. O Canada, the national anthem, I love it. Keep it, but it will be for the state"
My reaction to most things 'Trump' anymore
Dude gives a pro-nazi MAGA politician a proper send-off on his last day in office after losing his re-election by a landslide.
Dude gives a MAGA politcian a proper send-off on his last day in office after losing his re-election.
Israelis create a TikTok trend mocking the suffering of Palestinian children.
MMW: At 9:00 p.m. ET this evening, POTUS is going to start talking about how good things are and half of the country will believe him.
MMW: whatever DJT says tonight will be riot inducing
Two brothers hanging out on the back porch
Until the very end
SFAH: Worst ways to react to your kid coming out and telling you they’re gay
MMW: These guys are overconfident idiots, and because there are no guardrails they will go flying off a cliff and blow themselves up. They’re already making huge mistakes. This will be over sooner than most people think.
Graphic Content: Elephant Attacks A Giraffe!
Gorgeous celebrities of the late ‘70s and early ‘80s- who was your favorite?
My local Ohio Walmart
This is Ohio, unfortunately.
If I passed gas in space would it push me forward?
Why is it that coffee gives me tons of energy all day until I get to the 19th cup, then I'm basically comatose and sleep for 11 hours?
I would not be living in this building
Oligarchs doing oligarchs sh*t
Name for a band formed by Tiktok addicts that now need something to do after the ban.
Hornet eating a praying mantis that's eating another hornet.
Fuck Em All, Basically
Biden gives farewell with a scary warning