Trying to get friend in his 40s to experience these games is not easy. He bounces off the tree sentinel in limgrave and now thinks he won't like it. Lol. Can't blame him I did the same. Took me a year to comeback. Any suggestions.
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
Japanese emo recs?
Stephen King-themed names for a female cat?
Netflix Series
Was there ever any explanation on how he was able to resist her rope here?
Songs from the pov of a manipulator or abuser
What phrases were repeated by students at your high school, and when did you graduate?
Found a lost album from a band me and my brother founded nearly 20 years ago and put it on Spotify. The radio station absolutely kills it and it made me feel great about little 20 year old emo me so just wanted to share.
Stereotypes when a bartender sees a customer order:
Anyone suddenly wonder what the combination of the armies you own says about you? I have Custodes, Drukhari, and Emperor's Children...
The drip in these games are unmatched
Are you guys actually good at these games?
What is the greatest animated film of all time?
Done music for 20 years, can't enjoy anymore.
What's your favorite boss from Fromsofts more obscure games?
What was your first Stephen King book?
Space Marine- Realization
The Jesus people are really getting out of control.
What’s the most addictive game you’ve ever played?
Can I get you top MV without the obvious one? (No Metroid/Castlevania or Hollow Knight please)
Pick three of these Ridley Scott films and the rest disappear forever! What three are you choosing?
This was slightly distracting
Can a non-black person explain something to me my white coworker said...
Give me some of the best emo bands of the past 15 years