What are your Hot Takes on Eminem?
Build the next Em album
sea snail identification
I just updated my game. What's everyone's thoughts on this new home screen? It gave me a jumpscare
My best friend is watching Lost for the first time- these are her opinions so far (finished S4)
Who's the hottest guy on Lost?!
FredWreck about the recent leaks
Do you think a stoner can be with a non-stoner long term?
Where are all the women here who dated men with BPD?
Best cannabis grinders on the market?
Jenni looks gorgeous! JSFV S7
AIO is my gf overreacting justifiable?
whats some times u think em/shady went too far?
How is John Locke likable?
What Em feature is this
This Show is REALLY starting to piss me off.
She’s such a girls girl 🥺 it really does happen to all of us
Angelina: I like her.
Dating me is like a roller coaster
The letter
Anyone else here think Em might be on the spectrum?
S5 E10 Snooki and Deena Camping
I "cheated" on my bpd partner and hell broke loose
Kanye West isn't a great rapper