Home Brew - Comprehensive Reworks (Version 5.4.1)
Shapeshifting and feats.
Favorite build / strongest build you have found so far?
Certain bosses / minibosses only have 10 HP (Marcus, Raphael, Orin)
So, I may have pulled an all nighter while moving. And now almost 55,000 lines of code later, I've got a template down for randomizing NPC Spells. Tested in game and working. :)
Shadow heart lvl up bug
This mod is so great -
Bind weapon to make it return?
What do you want from the next patch
New subclasses OP compared to base classes?
Honour Mode ruleset keeps changing to Standard
This screenshot's from 8 years ago, what's different?
150 hours of playtime. Here are my biggest issues with the game.
Questions Thread - December 12, 2024
Warrior Titan passive question.
PSA: This is how to get 3rd and 4th ascendancies
Trials are not even fun
I think we are all okay with the difficulty of bosses, but what happened to the promise of good loot when killing these “rewarding” bosses.
New World is easily the worst tanking experience I've ever played.
New player. Overwhelmed by PvP.
Its been 3 weeks- legacy war players, was it worth rerolling on fresh start?
Newbie 65 gear
How to alienate new players:
Lock on camera angle.(controller)
Flail builds.