Can I say something and you guys won’t get mad? Halle Bailey was awful as Ariel…
Just for the fuck of it....
Was this dress in the show?
Is this person serious? Are people like this common? Or was I trolled
This bitch needs some lexapro or something.
The doll’s costume doesn’t look half bad. What do you think?
My new clothes came with a rather peculiar washing label
If i died and went to hell this would be my punishment
This painful reach of an acronym at my grandparent's care home
This airport restaurant(knockoff chipotle) sells burritos for $12, but charges $5 for meat, $3 for each topping.
How my coworker cuts onions
Does anyone else hear the similarities in these songs?
My dog isn't impressed with my son's playing abilities.
Why were so many White inmates LGBT? Why were so few Non-White inmates?
Oh dylan...
One of the most underrated episodes
Help me out with this
True crime is a foul genre. Imagine her parents seeing this listed as #1 "Crowd Pleaser"
Taxi Drivers Refuses To Accept Payment From Parents Taking Their Son To The Hospital
Tattoo artist noticed moles at mid session. Now what?
I broke my gripper...
Found at Museum of fine arts Boston
$45 a pill without insurance
oh. that's cool. didn't want to enter my apartment anyway
This tracks