This season feels cringe
Sharon pisses me off
People have always talked over me my whole life. Why ??
Looking for book recommendations.
Help me shop
Why don’t I relate to the stereotypical Capricorn traits? (New to astrology)
As a Scorpio Moon Conjunct Pluto in the 6th house - 👼
Suggestions for a Virgin River Spotify playlist?
Mood board for lost girl
What Signs Are These Two?
What are some good brands for a soft classic in USA? Thanks in advance.
What should I do?
What does Scorpio Moon need in a relationship?
Has anyone figured out a way to get rid of the In Someone's Cart listings?
Preview of this Sunday's collection with some pics (courtesy of talesandjournals on IG)
Happy first birthday to my best bud, Luca! My little man's barely considered a baby now 😭
what stereotypes about your placements annoy you?
Does this top fit well with Soft Classic body?
Typed by someone online
Should I consider FN? More in comments
Virgin River knock off
What sign/planet energy does this give off?
fire country x virgin river cinematic universe
Who is the Boss Out of Your Big Three?
Day 2-VR S6, Episode "Ghosts"! What's it about? Any and all predictions, no matter how ridiculous, are welcome! Most upvotes is the winner! 😊