Are Adderall and Ritalin like other medications where they take a few weeks to reach a therapeutic level in your body?
Apple Watch Keeps Saying Ready to Pair Open App (I then click ok) and nothing happens. It will then say still searching. This has happened 7 times.
What’s something that surprised you about ADHD when you were diagnosed that you didn’t realize was associated with it?
What coping skills help you?
TVA agents are the Stormtroopers of the MCU
The TVA is starting to feel like the Stormtroopers of the MCU. Incredibly effective offscreen, terribly ineffective onscreen.
Anyone here feel “meh” even when bipolar 2 is under control?
Any favorite containers or other ways of carrying some glucose tablets in your pocket for when you’re out and about?
How were your cognitive abilities before and after your diagnosis or when you first suspect you developed bipolar disorder?
Is this more likely to be a basal rate that is too high or an insulin to carb ratio that is too high?
Do you have a favorite quick, easy, and healthy meal for when you’re depressed and exhausted and have no energy? Otherwise I eat like garbage in those spots.
Any good remedies for stomach bloating and plumbing issues?
Why does my hair look better after wearing a hat or a hood for 15-20 minutes?
What would cause a match to disappear and then reappear?
What is the chemistry behind WAY better orgasms on Effexor?
Why did Kingpin kill Maya’s father as well as his ASL interpreter?
Can adderall improve your mood?
Is there a drug you were given standalone before you were properly diagnosed that didn’t work (anti depressants etc.) that later worked for you once you were put on a mood stabilizer?
Vraylar side effects nausea and headache. Will they go away?
My new therapist thinks I might also have ADD. What was your experience before and after starting medication? Did anything click looking back?
Lamotrigine x Lithium
Any tips to improve concentration?
What song is stuck in your head?
What do you feel like or does life feel like when (for lack of a better word) you’re in a stable/steady/ normal period? Essentially not a down cycle or hypomania.